=== Update Changelogs === > Latest * Fixed a bug where banning a client doesn't work. It was fixed after the instantiated sdk forgot to include the socket id. (Banning still worked before this but it didn't kick the client.) > 05/09/2024 * Client can now auto join the first session is sees online. (Upcoming update will include the ignoreSessionJoin and the warning system.) > 04/15/2024 * Made changes to the source code to use the Instantiated SDK for an easy way to read the source code instead of it being a jumble of mess. > 04/13/2024 * Added another method of announcing to the discord server by including a way to add files that exist. * Correctly spaced the scheduled-restart,alert so it should be corrected. * Added a way to lock the session without going through the webadmin panel. * Displayed on the console that the session was locked/unlocked. > 04/08/2024 * Added announcement systems to allow hosts to make an announcement about a particular event. > 04/07/2024 * Added a command /whitelist [toggle|add|remove] ipaddress to the chat. * Added "allowed_ipaddress" to the configuration command. You may need to fix this by adding "allowed_ipaddress: []" in the config. * Added rules to the server. Client will now read rules if the server has them automatically. > 03/30/2024 * Added a way to lock sessions to prevent un-wanted joiners if you are going under maintance. * Added a version checker to tell you that you do not have the latest update and asks you to manually download the update. > 03/27/2024 * Removed useTorConnection and Tor entirely. * Fixed res.writeHead issue, webserver should no longer crash upon entering the webadmin gui. > 03/23/2024 * Added AnnounceOpenSession to the server's configuration file. Server may now announce their session on Instantiated's discord server or never announce it at all. However sessions that are ending will still show up (kinda useless to join a session if it's already ended). > 11/2/2023 * Added useTorConnection (word of caution: it's slow and can cause performance issues while running.) > 10/22/2023 * Added both instance and global report to the server and client. The client has /report and /greport while the server only has /greport in it's command line. > 10/21/2023 * Fixed banning ip address through command console. > 10/16/2023 * Added chat functionality as well as commands. Type /help for list of commands. (host has the moderation tools while client may have to wait to get the roles before we add moderation tools for the client to have.) * Added profile management. You can manage your own profile through server-profile.json and client-profile.json which are generated automatically for you. * Private message any client that joins. You must know their ids in order to message them. (I quickly updated the build to contain the acceptPM variable.) * Forgot to remove the console logging the output of the json parse on accident. I would've left it alone but I like it cleaner this way. * Added a reminder to new users that they can type /help anytime when they successfully connect to Instantiated. * Fixed status now reading Online or Away From Keyboard instead of "online" and "away". > 10/15/2023 * Client changes where the duration is now in seconds instead of the epoch time. * Also clients who have been kicked/banned will have 5 seconds to read why they were kicked/banned for. I might end up increasing it later. * Messaging is still being developed but for now this changelog line serves a purpose for what is about to come. > 10/13/2023 * Added the ability for the host to freeze the client's connection. Meaning the client cannot accept any packets until unfrozen. * Included in the website are the archives that let you download versions up to 10/13/2023 to the latest. (might reverse the changes to recreate the other older versions.) > 10/11/2023 * Added stream logging to the server. Now we can see what you sent to the server. Client 8 is being horny, ban his ASS! * Added warnings to the client that their data stream is being logged for moderation purposes. If you don't like being moderated then you may leave the current session to join another. * IP Addresses are logged by the server for moderation purposes. * Fixed the maximum clients not able to join due to it being the max of 2 on accident. * Ensured that there was a new line for each time the client connected. * Fixed the ban time being wrong and incorrect. It should now show you the real ban time. * Timed bans shouldn't be recorded so we disable the ability to save the ban unless it is permanent which was added in your web administrator panel. > 10/07/2023 * Added auto updates to the bandwidth counter + the client list. * Added bytes of total download and upload to the server's web administrator panel to keep track of how much bandwidth the server is using. > 10/02/2023 * The server and client now support multiple connections. (It may break so be mindful of that. Also only the TCP protocol has this, I don't think UDP needs multiple connections unless a game/app has a need for it.) * Fixed a bug where if the client attempts to write buffered data to a socket that doesn't exists then we catch it. > 10/01/2023 * Added a display to when the tunnel's socket connects to the real server and when they disconnect. * Fixed the bandwidth counter, it should be keeping track of the client's sockets bandwidth by tracking the dataStream variable. * Did some additional fixes to the bandwidth counter. * Added an option to track_bandwidth in the server configuration. * Display what URL the host needs to access the webserver's moderation tool. > 09/27/2023 * Add an option to turn off HTTP Webserver. * Correctly added error checking and when the server closes on instantiated. (Both server and client) * Added a bandwidth counter to count how many bytes were sent. (They are formatted into bytes, kilobytes, megabytes and gigabytes. Only the server has this information.) > 09/26/2023 * Hopefully implemented error checks on the sockets on Server/Client. > 09/24/2023 * Added server_application to notify the client that is what the server is hosting/playing. * Added Previous Connection checks to display if the client has connected or not. > 09/23/2023 * Fixed UDP Issues Preventing Clients from Connecting to the UDP Server. UDP Connections are now supported. Go play valheim now or just go wild I guess. * Fixed UDP Connection Issues. It should now work, I haven't tested it myself but it should work anyways. > 09/22/2023 * Added TCP support, UDP is a bit broken at the moment due to it being untested at this time. * Added HTTP Administrator Panel. * Added Banned Clients list that persist bans. * Display the socket's flags to alert the host of the instance of their behavior * The ability to kick a client out of the server. They will immediately be kicked off of their online game/application due to the client program closing on its own.